Hewlett-Packard Fusion

Visual Thought now supports the HP Fusion notation, in use in over fourteen divisions in Hewlett-Packard and elsewhere.

Graphical examples of the various Fusion diagrams that Visual Thought supports are provided below. Confluent thanks the Hewlett-Packard Software Initiative (SWI), which developed these examples and palettes, for their generous contribution.

The Benefits of Visual Thought

Visual Thought provides several important benefits to anyone thinking about developing software with Fusion:

About Fusion

The "Fusion" methodology is literally that, a carefully crafted fusion of the best components of multiple methods, including Booch, Rumbaugh, and others as well as Objectory, in its latest incarnation.

As posed by Derek Coleman's 1994 book, Fusion covers aspects of object-oriented analysis (OOA), object-oriented design (OOD), and implementation. Fusion provides multiple benefits for software development, specifying a well-defined set of development phases, plus techniques for identifying, defining, and ensuring consistency between the deliverables of each phase.

Fusion (1994) appears largely intended for traditional single-process, sequential software development, but extensions have been developed or are being developed to adapt Fusion for real-time, distributed computing, and concurrency. Fusion is also being continually enhanced and evolved by Dr. Reed Letsinger, Derek Coleman, and others at HP Labs. For more information on these and other developments in Fusion, please consult the bibliography below, or jump to HP Labs' Web site.

For more information about HP's internal consulting arm, the HP Software Initiative (SWI), please send email to swi@hpcea.ce.hp.com.

For more information about HP's external Fusion consulting services, the HP Professional Services Organization (PSO) Object-Oriented Solutions Center, please contact Confluent (info@confluent.com) for an e-mail address.

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